Interview with Bryn Erin

TKTV's exclusive interview with Bryn Erin - January, 2000
Bryn Erin played the recurring role of Julia's friend Libby Dwyer during the first three seasons of "Party of Five." Her most notable story-lines were when Julia stole Justin from her during the first season, and then when she commit suicide during the third season. Bryn kindly agreed to fit us into her current busy schedule and answer some questions.
TKTV: Tell us a little about yourself. Where did you grow up, what's your family like? When and why did you decide to become an actress?
Bryn: I was born in Toronto May 15, 1973 and moved to Montreal when I was 9. I moved to Los Angeles to live with my Dad (he's been here since I was 4) when I was 16 so I could pursue acting. I attended Beverly Hills High with Monica Lewinsky and my prom date was actor Rodney Harvey.
My grandmother took me to see the play "Annie" when I was in first grade. When I came home I was angry with my mom for not letting me audition to play Annie. That was the first she had heard of my acting aspirations and enrolled me in acting classes.
TKTV: How did you first hear about Party of Five and become involved in the production?
Bryn: I was waitressing at Jerry's Famous Deli (I waited on Al Callings the night of the O.J. bronco chase.) I had done some guest appearances, but not enough work to give up waitressing. My agent paged me and said I had an audition for a great new show, "Party of Five," early the next morning and I could pick up the sides (audition material) at Sony Studios that night. Well I was working until 11p.m., and Sony was across town and, they said it was quite a few pages of dialogue (I always memorize my lines for auditions), so I was not thrilled at how little time I would have because Libby sounded like such a great character to play. I was tired of playing the "cheerleader" type. Luckily I mentioned my dilema to another waitress and she said she had the sides in her car! She had auditioned to play Libby that day. Fate maybe. So I photo-copied her sides in the restaurant's office.
TKTV: What was it like to work with Neve Campbell and Michael Goorjian?
Bryn: It was really fun. Neve would rent movies and the three of us would sit in her trailer and watch them in between our scenes. One of the films she rented was "The King Of Comedy" with Robert De Niro and Jerry Lewis. It was fantastic. Michael was reading a very "intellectual" book and would go on and on about it in the makeup trailer driving us nuts. He is very nice and smart. And a good kisser.
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